Thursday, February 19, 2009

Things Can Only Get Better

This time next week, I will be in warm Costa Rica (that is if my plane doesn't crash or isn't delayed). I'm getting excited, but I'm also stressed about taking off for a few days. I worry people will be trying to get a hold of me when I'm gone. I really wish I could be one of those people who goes on vacation and shuts the world off for a few days, but alas, I can't. I still need to figure out who to put in charge when I'm gone. I don't like to relinquish control. I also wish I was going on vacation with a ton of spending money. I have no idea what to expect in Costa Rica. I still can't believe we're going. It feels like a dream. Part of me wants to rub in the fact I'm going on an exotic vacation, but another part of me feels weird about it. I don't wanna brag too much. I hope Costa is everything it seems to be. I will be sure to take a lot of photos. I'm not looking forward to the plane ride. Our flight leaves at 6am and we don't get to Costa till the evening. I know I won't be able to sleep much the night before thus risk feeling air sick all day. Sometimes I'm not the best traveler.

When I get back from Costa, I will then have to decide about going to SXSW. My only concerns are the airfare and getting into events. I know a few people either going or thinking about going, so this might be a real possibility. We can stay with the boyfriend's friend and just try to get into the events. I know during the day, everything is free, so we'll see. It's just something I feel the need to experience. Also, it'd be nice to see my aunt and uncle who live in Austin. One trip at a time, I guess.

It's gotten frigid here again. It snowed a couple of inches last night and was really windy. Thank god I'm taking off soon. I can't stand this winter anymore. Early in the week, I was inundated with a bunch of writing deadlines. I hate it when they all converge, but I managed to get through it. I even interviewed a sex toy delivery guy and wrote an article on him. Yes, you can get sex toys delivered right to your door in this town, anytime of day.

This Saturday night is going to be crazy. I was able to talk a bar into giving us an one hour open bar and drink specials for the boyfriend's late b-day and one of my other writer's 30th b-day celebration. I think it's going to be one of those "man, I drank way too much" nights, and one of those babysit the boyfriend and help him out of the cab nights. Fun. I'm hoping we'll have a good turnout and everyone will have a good time. I like that I can use my connections to help people out.

Everyday, I'm realizing how horrible this economy is. It's surprising that anyone still has a job. I know it's just going to get worse, though. The boyfriend keeps saying he'll quit his job and then I'll go off to work and support us. I don't like this idea. I rather be the leecher than the breadwinner. I don't know how anyone can afford anything anymore. It's such a shame this had to happen. When I walk through my neighborhood, I'm noticing more and more empty storefronts. I have a vision of this city becoming a ghost town. I miss the hey day of the '90s when everyone was experiencing economic growth and had a superfluous amount of money to throw around. Then again, that's what probably got us here in the first place. Things are never going to be gluttonous again. I keep hoping everything will become cheaper and cheaper, like it's 1989 again. I'm just waiting for airfare to be like $100 round trip or less and for stores and restaurants to basically give things away. Things are cheaper, but not cheap enough. Gas prices are still high. I suppose some people still have a lot of money to throw around. I guess some jobs and a upper class still exists. I wish I was independently wealthy. Sigh.

Finally, a local blog interviewed myself and two of my writers. We kinda come off as pricks but hilarious pricks. I was worried some people would be offended by the article, but so far we've gotten positive reactions. Check it out here.

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