Monday, February 23, 2009

Vacay Awaits

I leave for vacation in less than two days, but I feel sorta anxious to leave. Why is it when you plan to go on vacation, there are always a myriad of things that come up? I got a call today to work on a tv show this weekend, but alas, I will be sunning in the tropics. I feel bad not being available to people, especially when that entails making money. Damn. Other things I will be missing out on is our first Saucony game, a friend's going away party and a concert. Oh well. You can't win them all. In preparation for leaving, I've had to dictate responsibilities elsewhere. I don't really like to dictate because I'd rather do everything myself. I have to leave someone in charge of Saucony and another person in charge of being guest editor. Maybe part of it is I don't trust other people, but I also feel like I'm shirking my duties and just passing the buck onto hapless souls. But, sometimes we just need a vacation. I think everything will be okay as I'm trying to get organized, but I know I will still worry a little. And at this point, I could really use a vacation. I'm sick of Chicago, sick of winter, sick of how frustrating simple chores become, sick of the daily minutiae...yeah, I need to lay on a beach for a while. Hopefully when I get back, everything will have worked itself out somehow. In the meantime, I have a bunch of stuff to get done tomorrow and then I can be on my way.

It's strange that I actually know people that have been to Costa. It just seems so exotic and random to me. Well, not as random as Luxembourg. I feel like I don't deserve to go to Costa. I mean, what have I done to deserve this trip? Or better yet, what have I done to deserve a guy to take me there? Then again, most of the people I know have traveled the world, so maybe it's my turn. I just don't wanna boast too much about it. Yet.

Like every year, I watched the Oscars last night. I think it was better than the previous year but still sorta cheesy. I remember as a kid how much I loved the Oscars. I would make sure to see every movie. It was like my fave event of the year. I would sit there and pray certain people would win and then get upset if they lost. I would cry during acceptance speeches because they inspired me. I really wanted to win an Oscar. I had a speech all planned out. Alas, I don't get as worked up about the awards anymore. I still love watching, but I just don't care as much. I haven't even seen Slumdog and Milk. Watching the awards didn't make me miss L.A or my days in Hollywood at all. I'm so completely removed from that scene and I prefer it that way. I do sometimes wish I had a reason to wear a fancy dress like the actors wear. I think it would be fun to wear some gaudy Valentino number for a night. But other than that, I'll just stick to watching them every year from a far.

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