Thursday, March 12, 2009

The Shape of Things

I've been back from Costa Rica for over a week, and it's kinda sucked. For a few days I suffered from postpartum vacation depression. I kept having reoccurring dreams about being there. I really wish I could just travel somewhere for a month and shirk all of my duties, but that's not gonna happen. It's been fairly cold here, too. I don't think winter is ever going to end. If it's warm, it's usually raining.

I picked up a new writing gig this week. I'm now writing music news/reviews for LimeWire, the peer to peer music download site. They have a music blog, which is pretty cool. I'll get paid a little to cover shows and write all things music. Tonight and Sunday I'll be covering shows. It's been about a month since I've been to a show. I suppose I'll be going to a lot more now. I'm still debating about going to SXSW. Plane tickets are pretty much unaffordable, so we're considering road tripping it down there. Yes, a nice 17 hours there and another 17 hours back. It's sort of crazy to do that, but it'll probably be cheaper than flying at this point. Plus I've never taken a really long road trip before. I really want to go there. Every year I say I'm going to do it but then don't. I know a lot of people going and Myopenbar is throwing a huge three-day party I don't wanna miss. I keep getting emails and invites about parties there. I feel like that kid who wasn't able to party with the cool kids because I had to stay home and babysit my little brother (well, if I had a little brother). I'll be once again disappointed if this doesn't happen, and it looks like there's a less than 50% chance right now. We haven't heard back from the boyfriend's friend who we're suppose to stay with. That's a major issue right now. I suppose if I don't go this year, there's always next year. But, yunno, it'd be nice for it to happen now.

I've been frustrated of late about getting paid for my writing. It's taking certain publications months to pay me for things that should've been paid much sooner. I don't know if it's the state of the economy or what, but I'm getting sick of waiting around for checks. It wouldn't be such a big deal if I didn't depend on that money, but I do. I fear I may never see that money even though I keep harassing people about it. Certain things shouldn't be so hard. A couple of days ago, I decided to give up on life. I decided I wasn't going to care so much or try as hard. Sometimes I think if I do nothing,if I just throw my hands in the air is when things happen. One thing I'm not giving up on is giving up. Make sense?

On Tuesday, we had our Saucony game. Finally the entire team was able to get together. We did a Spelling Bee at a bar. It was pretty fun. I remember in the fourth grade, I misspelled "scissors" in my bee. This time, I had to spell pastime, and got it right. Our team actually won the bee by one point. Not that it really matters because we don't win anything, but for a bunch of lushes, that was pretty awesome. I think the more we drank, the better we spelled.

Lately I've been watching old episodes of the American "The Office." I've only seen a few episodes here and there. On the plane coming back from Costa, they showed a couple of newer ones. It piqued my interest, so I had to find out what happened in previous seasons. I really like the show, but it certainly doesn't make me want to work in an office full-time. I mean, I like the idea of money and having a steady job, and getting some employee perks and benefits, but I don't like the idea of dressing up and being stuck at the same place for the next 20 years...or the idea of never being promoted, or the idea of working for a paper company or another dull corporation. But I suppose if I had a really wacky boss, it might assuage coming to work everyday. Or simply annoy the hell out of me.

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