Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Extinguishing Fires

So far this week, things have been a bit stressful. On Monday, I got an email from my Myopenbar boss in NY asking if I'd start working for free. Apparently they just don't have the funds to keep paying all the branches anymore. I was a little upset about it and told them I don't work for free. Then today they hit me back saying what they really meant was they were closing all of the branches except for NY. Yes, Chicago MOB would no longer exist after Friday. I was really shocked and depressed about this. It came out of nowhere. I had no idea that was even an option. I began to think about Chicago without MOB. It's like Polaroid disappearing or your fave bar going out of business. So,I told them I'd like to keep running the branch for free and they said okay. The bad part is now I really need to find a day job. I'd been considering it for a while, but now I don't have a choice since I won't be getting paid anymore. Actually, it's never been about the money (although it's been a nice, motivating incentive). It's been about the camaraderie and getting paid in free booze. There's also a personal angle to keep MOB running. I've met some amazing people through it including the boyfriend. I'm just a sentimentalist at heart, really. At this point, I don't know where to take the site. I've always felt there's been a tremendous amount of potential for MOB to thrive in Chicago, it's just no one has really tried very hard. My writers and I have ideas floating around, but I have no idea how to execute them. I've mainly focused on the editorial side of things, but I do like the idea of getting more involved with advertising and promotion. We are facing a huge challenge to get the word out and keep the branch going, and in some ways, it's sorta liberating. I like the idea of molding the company into my own and steering it into the right direction. I don't know what plans NY has for us, so I'm hoping they'll let us do whatever we want. In some ways, I saved a company from doomsday today. Just doing my part in this recession, I guess. I haven't hit panic mode yet. Yet being the keyword.

For some reason, I really want to go to the Kentucky Derby this weekend. I've never thought about going before, so I'm not sure how it got into my head. I did grow up around horses. My mom bred horses and I rode until I graduated from high school. It's been ages since I've been to a horse show and a race track. I have a friend who lives in KY, so we could possibly stay with her. I have a feeling the fantasy is better than the reality. I like the idea of being surrounded by rich people wearing big hats, sipping mint juleps, and gambling, but I know there would be a lot of traffic and it's suppose to rain. If we don't go, there are plenty of bars in Chicago that are hosting Derby day events, so I can still drink juleps.I'm always so torn about plans. Last weekend I flirted with the idea of meeting up with the same friend in Indianapolis, but it just didn't happen. There are always a million of places/events I want to go, but I rarely do it all. So many things, so little time.

What I'm hoping is I can get some part-time or full-time job and just focus on putting my music blog together. There's so much live music every night of the week in this city that's not being covered. I want to be that person. I'm getting sick of going to well-know shows. I saw three shows last week, all of which were just okay, all of which were nationally known bands. I'm going to start thinking locally.

You can tell spring has finally arrived here. The grass is growing rapidly, flowers are blooming, and people are outside more. Of course it's been rainy and today it was cold again. I guess this is the best we're going to get until summer. Yesterday I jogged for the first time in months. I really want to get into shape. My legs are totally sore. I'm so out of shape. How sad.

For the past week, I've been totally immersed in the "Real Housewives of New York." I watched the first season and most of the second season. I usually try to avoid reality shows, but I got sucked into this one. The show proves how catty and sensitive women are. No one ever gets along. All of the "wives" summer in the Hamptons. I really want to visit there, even just for a day. The show also makes me want to be rich, but not buy any of the fashion these women wear. I have to go to the dentist on Friday. I haven't been in forever. I really hope I don't have any cavities. I hate the dentist.

So, that's been my life in a nutshell for the past week: putting out work-related fires, trying to get my music blog together, healthy doses of reality tv, pitching ideas to no avail, and being dragged to bars to watch the Bulls playoff games with the boyfriend. Yeah, never a dull moment.

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