Monday, May 11, 2009

Summer is Coming

It finally really feels like spring here except for the occasional chilly day. All the rain has helped trees and flowers to grow out of control. I know it's probably going to go from the 70s to sweltering hot in a matter of weeks.

I can't believe summer is right around the corner. I feel like there's so much I want to do. I want to go to the lake, the local pool, the Indiana Dunes, spend a weekend in Michigan at a beach, al fresco dine, go to the new Modern Wing, the Shedd Aquarium (which I have yet to do) and check out rooftop bars, and travel, etc, but there's just never enough time and money to keep up with everything. One of the advantages in living in a big city like Chicago is there's always something to do, but sometimes I feel overwhelmed with my options. Then again, I feel like that about everything in life: books, movies, social activities.

A few days ago, I saw Leonard Cohen in concert. I like some of his stuff, but I'm not quite the fan everyone else is. At 74, he put on a 3-hour show. His stamina was unbelievable. He's also the second oldest musician I've seen live next to Willie Nelson. I went to the show with the boyfriend, his mom, and her friend. This was probably the only time our musical tastes collided. The show was very civilized with our boxed seats. Of course the next night, I went to a concert at club where it was ridiculously hot and where the lead singer swilled beer into the audience. On Wednesday, we're going to this huge wine tasting. Tickets were $200/per person, but I was able to get them for free. $400 worth of free wine tickets! Amazing. First there was Whiskyfest, now this. I hope I don't die at the event.

In a couple weeks, I will have officially have lived in Chicago for five years. Five years! Where has the time gone? When I hit the five year mark in L.A, I moved away. I feel my time in Chicago might be waning. But, I sorta decided to leave L.A because I realized I was never going to accomplish what I wanted to and I had grown sick of it. With Chicago, I feel like I could continue here for a while longer, but I know eventually I will probably leave. I'm getting sick of the city. I'm sick of noisy neighbors, construction, and just the day to day stresses of life in the big city. I have no idea where I'd go or what I'd do, but that's something I need to figure out. I wish I could go somewhere for the entire summer, like rent a house on Martha's Vineyard or in the Hamptons. This has always been a fantasy of mine. I like the idea of going somewhere remote, where there's less stress and more time to relax, but at the same time, I'm afraid I'd get bored of the calmness.

Lately, I've been especially stressed about what to do with Myopenbar. The writers and I have been throwing some ideas around, but have yet to get anything off the ground. I do think we could be successful at throwing parties, it's just we don't know where to start. We all know a lot of people, so it shouldn't be too hard. Sometimes I think it's futile to keep this thing going, but I feel it's my duty to keep it going for the true fans out there and the people who actually use the service. We just need to steer it in the right direction somehow.

Tonight I finally watched the documentary Grey Gardens. It inspired a play and an HBO movie. Those woman were so eccentric yet interesting. I think my biggest fear is I'll end up like one of those crazy women: living in a dilapidated house, single, owning ten cats, and have nothing to talk about except stuff that happened 30 years ago. Please, oh please, don't let that happen to me.

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