Monday, April 20, 2009

Random Chicago

It seems like I haven't blogged in a while. Honestly, I haven't felt much like it. Maybe I'm just getting bored talking about myself all the time. I always feel like everything could be so much better than it is. I want it to quit raining and I want things to function correctly and I just want things to be perfect, but they rarely are.

Spring has finally sorta sprung here. On Saturday, it was nice and warm for most of the day. Then of course it decided to rain. It rained for most of Sunday. In Chicago, we get one nice day followed by a crappy day. The past few days have reminded me how random Chicago truly is for me. I guess the probability of running into someone I know in the city is relatively high considering I know a lot of people and considering I hang out in places where these people also might hang out. A few nights ago, I ran into a couple of former co-workers I hadn't seen in maybe a couple of years. I was just thinking the other day why I never run into them. It goes to show you never know who'll see out and about. Friday night I went to a friend of a friend's to see a semi-famous local musician play in this person's living room. It was a cool experience. It definitely was something esoteric I will document in my upcoming music blog. Again, I ran into a couple of people I knew. The friend who invited me to the party believes she and I have some sort of cosmic connection. I think she might be right because we just reunited after having not seen each other in 11 years. The last time we saw each other was in L.A. The city is strange sometimes. Finally, I went to a cool, new bar last night and randomly ran into a couple of other people I knew. I know the chances are high to run into people, but really, the exact same time and place?

I'm glad it's getting warmer out, but with the warm weather, I start to feel overwhelmed. I feel like I should be taking advantage of the weather in the best ways possible, but at the same time, there's too much to do: festivals, jogging, reading books, the lake, al fresco dining, etc, etc. I don't know where to start. Soon summer will be here and that's brings other anxieties. I don't have any big trips planned for the summer. I want to do small trips to the Indiana Dunes and to a beach in MI, but I'd also love to take a week off and show the boyfriend all of CA. And of course go to Europe. I don't know if any of these things are going to happen. I am definitely going to DC at the end of May, so I have that to look forward to.

This week, I'm going to three concerts, three nights in a row. I need to start putting my music blog together. I need new clothes. There's always an endless amount of chores, self-improvement needs, restaurants to check out, movies to watch, and work on the horizon. And like I said before, things could always be better, but I suppose they could also be much worse.

1 comment:

Alan said...

Haha, you have to put your music blog together, as it's the only press we've gotten so far.

What shows did you see?